Thank You!! Heartfelt Thanks to The Director General of Meteorology..Shri K G Ramesh Sir


Thursday, October 20, 2011

SATSANG to be effective from 01st July 2013

SATSANG to be effective from 01st July 2013
The Indian Railways run daily on 65,000 Km route in India. On the run are about 5000 goods (freight) trains and 10,500 passenger trains carrying about 2.75 million tonnes of freight and about two crore passengers per day.
 In such a large system, the problem of resource allocation, rolling stock, maintain track, train scheduling, managing locomotives and crew is maintained as per the time schedule in the time table. Thus there is no place for sharing of resources or dual claim at any point of time.

A huge exercise is required that helps to enable the entire planning.
The railways are now developing “SATSANG” (Software-Aided Train Scheduling and Network Governance) which is unique in itself to handle the complex system of Indian Railways.

The various factors like impact analysis of train delays and resource constraints will be managed by robust time table software, a project being developed by “CRIS” (Centre for Railway Information System).

This will aid in more punctuality and make the railways more efficient. The new software will not only add to the benefit of the passengers but also make the planning of time table, until now which was being done manually, simple to manage the complex system of the railways.
Normally the time table is scheduled on 01st July every year. Thus next time table scheduling would be on 01st July 2012; which will be partially software aided, but the new software aided time table will be released only on 01st July 2013.
Milind Phadke
